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Examples of using IDEA StatiCa IOM API

The examples of using API for running CBFEM analysis from .NET applications

Both examples use IdeaStatiCa.Plugin for running CBFEM analysis. Running this example it requires IDEA StatiCa v 20.0 (or higher) on an user’s PC. Free trial version version can be obtained here.

Example ConHiddenCheckConsole

It is very simple console application example. ConnCalculatorConsole.exe requires the path to IDEA Statica installation directory and optionly the path to the idea connection project. If any project is passed the default project for this example is calculated.


Running CBFEM from the commad line :

ConnCalculatorConsole.exe "C:\Program Files\IDEA StatiCa\StatiCa 20.0" "c:\test.ideaCon"

Example ConnectionHiddenCalculation

It is more complex example which presents more features which are provided by IDEA StaiCa API. To be able to run this example set the path to Idea StatiCa directory in the project settings.


Communication of a 3rd party application (the example ConnectionHiddenCalculation in this case) with ConnectionCalcService which runs in a another process. ConnectionHiddenCalculation

In the project IdeaStatiCa.ConnectionClient there are commands which control ConnHiddenCheck Service. These commands show how to :

There are new methods for getting information about materials, cross-sections and bolt assemblies in idea connection project in IConnHiddenCheck since version IDEA StatiCa v20.0.81. It is also possible to add new bolt assemblies into a connection project - see method :

		/// <summary>
		/// Add the new bolt assembly. Its type is defined by its name (e.g. 'M12 4.6')
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="boltAssemblyName"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		int AddBoltAssembly(string boltAssemblyName);

The method ApplyTemplate has the new parameter connTemplateSetting. It defines materials which are used when template is applied.

Get materials from project

The examples of using these new IConnHiddenCheck methods can be found in examples :

Improvements in version IDEA StatiCa v 20.1

API users can apply simple template to a connection.


There is the example how to call the service in the command : Apply Simple template

		/// <summary>
		/// Apply the simple connectionsimple template from file <paramref name="templateFilePath"/> on connection <paramref name="connectionId"/>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="connectionId">The id of the connection on which templete will be applied</param>
		/// <param name="templateFilePath">The path to the connection template</param>
		/// <param name="connTemplateSetting">The additional settings - e.g. default bolts</param>
		/// <param name="mainMember">Main (supporting member)</param>
		/// <param name="attachedMembers">The list of members which are supported by <paramref name="mainMember"/></param>
		/// <returns>Returns 'Ok' in case of the success otherwise 'Fail'</returns>
		string ApplySimpleTemplate(string connectionId, string templateFilePath, ApplyConnTemplateSetting connTemplateSetting, int mainMember, List<int> attachedMembers);

How to test applying single template step by step

There is the online API Documentation of manufacturing operations. It helps to set values of properties of operations. The best way is to create a connection model in ideaconnection.exe - save is as connection template - you can find this feature in this example. Then open it in a text editor and check the content. Then you can modify values in contemp file and apply it again.

Improvements in version IDEA StatiCa v 21.0

We added the method GetAllConnectionData to our API interface IConnHiddenCheck. This method returns the instance of IdeaRS.OpenModel.OpenModelTuple for a selected connection. This instance includes structural data and corresponding results of FE analysis.