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IdeaRS.OpenModel.Result Namespace

Compatible with IDEA StatiCa Beta 21.0 - beta
Provides types that enable definition of results.
Public classFemElement
Provides information about FEM element
Public classLoading
Loading identification
Public classMember
Member identification
Public classMeshElement2D
Public classOpenModelResult
Results of open model
Public classPlateElements
Data of plate elements
Public classPointOfID
Point of interaction diagram
Public classPointResultBase
Point Result Base abstract class
Public classPointResultOfNLA
Point Result of NLA
Public classPointResultOfTA
Point Result of TA
Public classPointResults
Point results
Public classPolygonPointID
Polygon of pointIDs
Public classResultBase
Result base abstract class
Public classResultOfDeformation
Result of deformation in the one positon
Public classResultOfIncrement Obsolete.
Result of internal forces in the one position
Public classResultOfInteractionDiagramPlane
Result of Interaction diagram in plane
Public classResultOfInternalForces
Result of internal forces in the one position
Public classResultOfLoading
Result Of Loading
Public classResultOfLoadingItem
Item of Result of Loading
Public classResultOfNLAPoint Obsolete.
Result of internal forces in the one position
Public classResultOfNLASection Obsolete.
Result of internal forces in the one position
Public classResultOnMember
Result of the member
Public classResultOnMembers
Result of the member
Public classResultOnMesh
Public classResultOnSection
Result of section on the member
Public classResultPoint Obsolete.
Point of results
Public classSectionResultBase
Section result base
Public classSectionResultMesh
Section result mesh
Public classSectionResultOnPoints
Section result of points
Public enumerationAbsoluteRelative
Absolute of relative value of position is used
Public enumerationLoadingType
Type of loading
Public enumerationMemberType
Type of member
Public enumerationResultOnMeshType
Type of result on mesh
Public enumerationResultType
Type of results
Public enumerationStructuralPlateType
Tyoe of structural plate