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BeamData Properties

Compatible with IDEA StatiCa Beta 21.0 - beta

The BeamData type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAddedMember
Added member
Public propertyAddedMemberLength
Added beam lenght
Public propertyAutoAddCutByWorkplane
Automaticali add cut by workplane if it not defined
Public propertyCrossSectionType
Type of cross section
Public propertyCuts
Cuts on the beam
Public propertyId
Element Id
(Inherited from OpenElementId.)
Public propertyIsAdded
Is added beam
Public propertyIsBearingMember
Is beam bearing member
Public propertyIsNegativeObject
Is negative object
Public propertyMirrorY
Mirror by Y
Public propertyMprlName
MPRL name of beam
Public propertyName
Name of the beam
Public propertyOriginalModelId
Get or set the identification in the original model In the case of the imported connection from another application
Public propertyPlates
Plates of the beam
Public propertyRefLineInCenterOfGravity
The reference line of the member is in the center of gravity of the cross-section
See Also