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ReinfAroundOpening Properties

Compatible with IDEA StatiCa Beta 21.0 - beta

The ReinfAroundOpening type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAnchorLength
Anchor length of main bars
Public propertyCover
Cover of reinforcement
(Inherited from ReinforcementGroup.)
Public propertyCoverFromSetting
Use cover from DetailModelSetting
(Inherited from ReinforcementGroup.)
Public propertyDiagonalDiameter
Diameter of diagonal reinforcement
Public propertyDiagonalDistance
Distance between diagonal reinforcement layers
Public propertyDiagonalEndsType
End type of diagonal reinforcement bar
Public propertyDiagonalLength
length of diagonal bar
Public propertyDiagonalNumOfBarsInLayer
Number of diagonal bars in layer
Public propertyDiagonalNumOfLayers
Number of diagonal layers
Public propertyDiagonalReinforcement
Add diagonal reinforcement
Public propertyDiameter
Diameter o reinforcement
(Inherited from ReinforcementGroup.)
Public propertyDiameterOfMandrel
Diameter of mandrel - multiplier of bar diameter to obtain inner diameter of bent reinforcement bars
(Inherited from ReinforcementGroup.)
Public propertyDistance
Distance between reinforcement layers
Public propertyEndsTypeBeg
End type of the beginning of reinforcement bar
(Inherited from ReinforcementGroup.)
Public propertyEndsTypeEnd
End type of the end of reinforcement bar
(Inherited from ReinforcementGroup.)
Public propertyId
Element Id
(Inherited from OpenElementId.)
Public propertyMasterComponent
Master component of reinforcement
Public propertyMaterial
(Inherited from Reinforcement.)
Public propertyNumOfBarsInLayer
Number of bars in layer
(Inherited from ReinforcementGroup.)
Public propertyNumOfLayers
Number of layers
Public propertyReinfId
Id representing reinforcement in Detail
(Inherited from Reinforcement.)
See Also