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CheckResult Enumeration

Compatible with IDEA StatiCa Beta 21.0 - beta
The number in enum value description means the priority for extreme check evaluation.

Namespace:  IdeaRS.OpenModel.Concrete.CheckResult
Assembly:  IdeaRS.OpenModel (in IdeaRS.OpenModel.dll) Version: (
public enum CheckResult
  Member nameValueDescription
Failed0 3. check value is bigger than limit check value
Passed1 5. check value is lesser than limit check value
PassedWithWarnings2 4. check value is lesser than limit check value, but there is a warning in calculation
FailedWithError3 2. error appeared during calculation, calculation was terminated
CheckIsOff4 7. this kind of the calculation was switched off
NotDone5 1. this kind of the calculation was not done
CheckIsNotNecesssary6 6. check for some reason not necessary
See Also