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BoltParam Class

Compatible with IDEA StatiCa Beta 21.0 - beta
Parameter which represts the record of the bolt in IDEA MPRL
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  IdeaRS.OpenModel.Parameters
Assembly:  IdeaRS.OpenModel (in IdeaRS.OpenModel.dll) Version: (
public class BoltParam : MprlRecord

The BoltParam type exposes the following members.

Public methodBoltParam
Initializes a new instance of the BoltParam class
Public propertyAngles
Gets or sets the groups and positions for angles.
Public propertyBoltInteraction
Indicates type of shear transfer
Public propertyCols
Gets or sets the columns of fasteners positions.
Public propertyColsGridType
Gets or sets the type of cols - regular or shifted.
Public propertyColsNegative
Gets or sets the rows of a negative fasteners positions in case of RowsPosition equals to Profile. Absolute positions of groups, in group are relative positions.
Public propertyColsPosition
Gets or sets the position, to which are bolt columns realted to.
Public propertyColsSymmetry
Gets or sets the type of symmetry of columns positions.
Public propertyCoordinateSystem
Gets or sets the coordinate system type.
Public propertyCounts
Gets or sets the count of bolts in the circle (polar coordinate system).
Public propertyItemId
Mprl ItemId
(Inherited from MprlRecord.)
Public propertyName
Name of the item
(Inherited from MprlRecord.)
Public propertyPolarInput
Gets or sets the type, that spefifies polar input.
Public propertyPolarPosition
Gets or sets the position, to which are bolt radii realted to (polar coordinate system).
Public propertyPositions
Gets or sets the fasteners positions {X, Y}.
Public propertyRadii
Gets or sets the radii of bolts (polar coordinate system).
Public propertyRows
Gets or sets the rows of a fasteners positions. Absolute positions of groups, in group are relative positions.
Public propertyRowsGridType
Gets or sets the type of rows - regular or shifted.
Public propertyRowsNegative
Gets or sets the rows of a negative fasteners positions in case of RowsPosition equals to Profile. Absolute positions of groups, in group are relative positions.
Public propertyRowsPosition
Gets or sets the position, to which are bolt rows realted to.
Public propertyRowsSymmetry
Gets or sets the type of symmetry of rows positions.
Public propertyShearInThread
Indicates, whether a shear plane is in the thread of a bolt.
Public propertyTableId
Mprl TableId
(Inherited from MprlRecord.)
See Also